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Q: Why is there no remote access to the ISIP gateway?

A: Internet fraud continues to grow at an alarming pace. PCI compliance guidelines are being incorporated by insurance companies as mandatory requirements for their policy holders, and all products associated with the customer’s network are subject to these tests, even if such tests are irrelevant or inappropriate for the product concerned.

Eliminating direct remote access to the ISIP gateway totally satisfies all known fraud prevention and PCI compliance guidelines now, and for the forseeable future. See ISIP local technical information(insert link) and ISIP Management Portal(insert link) sections of the Technical Support tab for further information

Q: What if I am an ISP aggregator and want to monitor all ISIP gateways on all my resellers’ estates while each of my resellers can only see their own estate?
A: The ISIP Management Portal has been designed with this very requirement in mind. The multi password, multi-tier access design of the Portal facilitates this very capability, whether you are supplying the ISIP gateways to your resellers for them to bundle in with your services or if your resellers are purchasing the ISIP gateways themselves to provide to their customers. All variations should be possible, subject of course, to your agreement with your resellers.

Q: Why do you charge on a per channel basis instead of just selling a fully configured gateway?
A: Cost savings for the Customer are an important factor in them taking SIP trunks. The smaller the number of Channels/Trunks they require the smaller the cost savings are. So how can you justify adding a relatively expensive gateway into that cost justification? By minimizing our return on the smaller size gateway(fewer channels/trunks) and recovering it on the higher size gateway (more channels/trunks) installations, our pricing more closely aligns with your pricing model and makes it simpler to sell. And as you can simply add more channel/trunk licences to any installation, you and your customer only pay for what they need right now, without restricting what they can do tomorrow.